Antelope Swiss Workshop 20 - Pomelo Update Season 6

Antelope Swiss Workshop #20 w/ Daniel Keyes Pomelo Season 6: A Leap towards Multi-Pool Grants and Future Innovations

Antelope Swiss Workshop #20 w/ Daniel Keyes

Pomelo Season 6: A Leap towards Multi-Pool Grants and Future Innovations

Short summary (1min read):

In the latest discussion between Patrick Schmid and Daniel Keyes, Pomelo announced the introduction of multi-pools in Season 6, allowing grant owners to choose from diverse matching pools to suit their projects. The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) is launching three specialized pools, with Telos joining as a second matching partner, thus augmenting the total funding available. Season 6's application process offers increased flexibility for grant owners to apply for different pools, based on their project's relevance. 


The Pomelo team introduced their new "Bounties" feature, currently in the beta testing phase. This feature enables users to post tasks that need completing, paying with tokens, and helping build user reputations within the ecosystem. In community engagement, most of the activity takes place in their Telegram channel. The discussion also highlighted the significance of open-source code, and their strategic vision for future seasons.

Full Summary (6min read):

๐ŸŽ‰ Introduction and Announcement

Patrick Schmid welcomes Danie Keyes to discuss updates for the Pomelo Season 6, emphasizing that they are introducing multi-pools for the first time. The new feature allows grant owners to choose from multiple matching pools based on their project's needs and specifications. They've planned to implement multi-pools for a while as it aligns with their goal to diversify opportunities on Pomelo.

๐ŸŽฏ Pool Types

Daniel explains that the pools will have different criteria, targeting different types of public goods. The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) will be launching three specific pools that cater to various aspects of the EOS Network: a GameFi pool, an EVM pool, and a general 'Everything EOS' pool. This targeted approach is designed to promote diversity in project types and broaden the scope of projects that can receive funding.

๐Ÿ’ฐ New Funding Partner

For the first time, Pomelo is introducing a second matching partner, Telos, who is from a different blockchain. Telos joins the platform with a $24,000 pool, increasing the overall funding available to grant applicants. ENF-funded pools include $65,000 for EVM, $65,000 for GameFi, and $28,000 for the 'Everything EOS' pool.

๐Ÿ“ Application Process

Daniel goes on to explain the application process, where applicants choose which pool to enter based on their project's relevance. For Season 6, a grant can only be in one pool at a time, but a grant owner can create up to three grants in a season, placing them in any of the pools. Thus, they have the flexibility to apply for different pools based on their projects.

๐Ÿ” Considerations and Eligibility

To choose a pool, grant owners need to consider the pool's criteria, the nature of their project, and potentially, the competition within the pool. All grants need to be public goods and fit the pool's category. For instance, to qualify for the Telos pool, it has to be a project launched on Telos, while for the EOS pools, it has to be a project launched on EOS.

๐ŸŒ Donation Mechanics

Despite the introduction of multi-chains, the platform still runs on the EOS blockchain. To donate to the Telos pool,  you need to have an EOS account. With the launch of IBC, there's an ability to transfer wrapped Telos tokens from Telos onto EOS.

๐ŸŽฏ Donations 

The grant owner can choose which tokens they want to accept as donations, and they could potentially accept both types of tokens, EOS or wrapped Telos. Donors, however, do not need to worry about which pool a grant belongs to, and can donate to grants from different pools in one transaction. The value of donations is tracked in dollar value, and the grant owners receive their matching allocation in the EOS tokens that the pool operates in.

๐Ÿ” Website Navigation 

On the Pomelo website, visitors can see a variety of matching pools, such as EOS EVM and EOS GameFi, with respective amounts to be distributed to public goods. There are articles available on the website providing a comprehensive explanation of the multi-pool concept, its workings, and the criteria for each pool. Users can easily filter their browsing on the website according to these pools.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Season Roadmap 

Grant applications are open from May 31 to June 21, followed by a donation period from June 7 to June 29. The Pomelo team must approve the applications before the donation phase begins. After the donation period, the analysis and fund distribution phase begins. The website features a countdown to each phase of the season to help users stay on top of important dates.

๐ŸŽฎ Product Development

Daniel detailed that they are in the process of testing a new feature called "Bounties", set to launch between seasons 6 and 7. Currently, they're in the private beta phase and are inviting users to test the environment using fake play tokens. This testing phase allows users to explore and provide feedback on the platform before its official launch.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Token Use

Daniel also explained that while beta testing uses play tokens, the actual launch will involve real value, using EOS and other tokens supported on their platform. He likened the Bounty system to platforms like Upwork, where users can post tasks that need completing, making it particularly useful for grant owners. Users can offer tokens as payment for these tasks, encouraging others to help them meet their goals.

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Community Engagement

Daniel further discussed how the bounty system could help new users build a reputation within the ecosystem by completing small tasks on the bounty board, which could be beneficial for their future grant applications. He emphasized that while it is not exclusively for grant owners, it provides them an effective means to fulfill their project commitments using community assistance.

๐Ÿ”€ Platform Integration

The Bounty feature, while having a slightly different user interface, will still fall under the umbrella of the Pomelo platform. It will maintain a consistent login and profile system with Pomelo Grants, thus enabling a reputation built in Bounties to carry over to Grants and vice versa. Daniel explained that the platform was designed in a way that bounty funders might be more inclined to select hunters who have a history of successfully delivering projects on EOS.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Timeline

Unlike grants which follow a quarterly season pattern, bounties can be created or applied for at any time, independent of any ongoing season.

๐Ÿงช Beta Testing

Daniel invited Patrick and other interested individuals to join the beta testing for Bounties. He recommended contacting Andrew Ware, the product owner of the Pomelo team, for an invite to the testing. 

๐Ÿ—จ๏ธ Community Engagement

Patrick and Daniel discuss the engagement levels in their community, noting that most of the activity takes place in their Telegram channel, which they deem as the primary space for interaction.

๐Ÿ“† Season 7 Changes

Season 7 changes will remove the mandatory public good requirements for the matching pools. It allows the matching partner to define the criteria for the pool they're funding. Both Patrick and Daniel expect public goods to remain the overwhelming majority despite this flexibility.

๐Ÿ”’ Open Source and Security

They then highlight the importance of open-source code in grants. According to them, open-source coding is vital for maintaining security and allowing for potential issues to be found and addressed quickly. They recount an instance where the lack of open-source coding in a project hindered recovery efforts after a hack. The pair also appreciate the cooperative nature of open-source, where code can be shared and used as building blocks in other projects, thereby multiplying its value.

๐Ÿ“Š Future Outlook

Patrick and Daniel consider each season an experiment and plan to adjust their approach based on the outcomes they observe. Their long-term goal is to increase the overall size of the pool by attracting more matching partners. They express excitement at the prospect of Telos joining and hold hope for the participation of the WAX team in the future. Lastly, they note the significance of allowing people to donate in both EOS and Telos, to ease the process for donors and grant owners.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Strategy 

Patrick and Daniel discussed the strategic reasons behind the decision to iterate on multiple pools with their team. The multipool approach was part of the design from the very beginning, as they envisioned a future with pools in various different tokens. This required them to come up with a system that allows matching of donations in one currency applicable to all these different tokens. 

The primary reasons for this approach include offering flexibility for matching partners and accommodating their preferences for creating separate pools. Furthermore, this strategy allows these partners to direct more funds towards strategically important areas for network growth, like the EOS EVM. The timing for introducing multipools seemed appropriate due to advancements in their technology and increased appetite from matching partners to participate.

๐ŸŒ Global Outreach 

Daniel discussed the EOS EVM pool, which has piqued interest from solidity developers in places like Hong Kong and mainland China. With multiple project grant owners looking to deploy on EOS EVM, they decided it was best to segregate projects into separate pools instead of placing them all into a single one. They believe that this separation will allow for better statistics and analysis of the Pomelo season.

๐Ÿ“Š Data Analysis 

Patrick mentioned his plans to create a 'Pomelo Cockpit' for data analytics. He sees Pomelo as a 'product discovery engine', enabling rapid prototyping and iteration of ideas within the community. By doing so, they can identify which projects are gaining traction and deserve further investment. The data gathered from these 'seasons' can provide valuable insights for matching partners and potentially affect their strategies moving forward.

๐Ÿ”š Conclusion 

In conclusion, they thanked each other for the informative discussion and expressed their excitement for the forthcoming season. Daniel appreciated Patrick's hard work and the opportunity to provide updates about Pomelo season 6. They concluded the interview with a cheer, and Daniel expressed his eagerness to join in future seasons.