Bitcoin Frees You From a Banking System That Is Totally Anachronistic

The other obvious advantage of Bitcoin is that it has no leader. No one’s going to ask you why you’re making a Bitcoin transaction with Nathan. No one will require justification or your transaction will be censored.

By making Bitcoin your own bank, you have at your disposal a fast, secure, low fees, and censorship-resistant tool. Your Bitcoin can never be confiscated as long as you take care to keep your private keys safe.

With Bitcoin, you are in complete control. For this reason, Bitcoiners often say that Bitcoin gives power to the people.

Final Thoughts

Bitcoin works in a much simpler way because it does not require any middlemen that will charge you transaction fees. With its decentralized network, you have the near guarantee that the Bitcoin network is always running.

Bitcoin’s uptime of 99.98% since its inception is there to prove that.

Regardless of the time of day, and the day of the week, you will be able to use the Bitcoin network to make transactions. Bitcoin is therefore in line with history: that of the digitalization of the world and a regaining of control by the people.

As such, time is on Bitcoin’s side in the face of an outdated banking system that is flawed. Sooner or later, a majority of people will come to realize the superiority of Bitcoin.

Under these conditions, Bitcoin’s adoption can only increase sharply in the coming years.

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