Briefings: New ENF CMO, TrustEVM, Mandel 3.1 RC3, Fractally, DUNE, Pomelo S3 Closing

B1 who? Trusted, show-worthy and workhorse ENF team already busting moves. Fractally networks contagious as Pomelo grants say season 3 good buys. Yep, still trekking through DUNE- and at a nice cruise.


ENF News: Patty Fisher in at CMO, Learn2Earn 

With Token2049 around the corner, the EOS Network Foundation must be ready to present the new EOS on the world stage. Enter Patty Fisher. Patty leads the public relations mission by stepping in as Chief Marketing Officer. She’s a superstar with experience in both conventional enterprise working with Fortune 100 companies as well as a knowledgeable blockchain professional. Patty is a brand builder. 

Honored to be stepping in as marketing lead for @EosNFoundation and work with @BlockchainZack @BigBeardSamurai @tedcahall!

She’s been working with the ENF as an advisor and held the position of Senior Vice President of Marketing with Clearly, Patty is deeply familiar with EOSIO. Her experience with relatable tech companies include:

  • AOL
  • Verisign
  • Sage Software
  • OVHcloud

Patty also has DeFi experience. In other ENF news, Nathan James overviewed the in-development Learn2Earn EOS Developer Hub. And for those who wish to know what kind of leader the community has in BigBeardSamurai:

One year ago I made the biggest decision of my life: I quit my job and started the @EOSNFoundation. At the time, many of my friends told me I was crazy because $EOS was dead. But in hindsight, it was the best decision I ever made. 🧵A thread🧵

Pomelo Season 3 Grant Applications Close on August 8

Time is running out to submit a Pomelo grant application. Monday is the final day for Season 3 applications. Donations will remain open until August 18. Last week’s list of projects spotlighted early top contributor draws. This week’s shortlist selects other projects gaining the community's support: 

A few projects find life social platforms. Albedo is a first season project that brings together BPs, token holders and fractally for better governance. TipIt continues to heat up. NovaCrypto is as solid and steady as they come, both in disseminating content via mind maps as well as active engagement and participation. Keep an eye on activities emanating from the first Korean pitch session. As for this week’s NFT reveal, it was the Pomelo Astronauts. Please note that Briefings has its own Pomelo pitch. 

Mandel 3.1 RC3 New Additions

Last week, the EOS Network Foundation released the Mandel Upgrade Guide. The ENF again reminded the community of the following:

All #EOS nodes must upgrade to Mandel 3.1 before Wednesday, September 21 or they will fall out of sync from the rest of the network!

This week, the ENF released Mandel version 3.1 RC (release candidate) 3. Mandel is the third version of EOSIO software. The upgrade will address several issues. Note that release candidates may be independently better suited for different development objectives. RC3 primarily addresses bug fixes and minor additions. Included are documentation updates, the addition of subjective limits to a specific function, and a build procedure change. The full list of changes from RC2 can be found at the end of the Github doc.

The Enduring Trek through D.U.N.E.

Don't let this section’s title fool you. D.U.N.E. is about making life easier for developers. It’s just that D.U.N.E. steals a bit of the spotlight from other major developments. Know that neither Mandel, the Trust Network, nor the Coalition’s efforts alone will transform the new EOS. Sure, each offers an impressive function over what exists on the EOS mainnet today. However, it’s their combined efforts that will launch EOS to the Moon. And, it’s D.U.N.E. that’s considered crucial to making EOS attractive to more developers. This week Areg Hayrapetain highlights features of the first D.U.N.E. (1.0.0) release candidate. He mentions platform support and broad advantages. More details can be found in the Github release notes.

TrustEVM Update

How big of an impact will the EOS-Ethereum bridge have on the crypto space and each independent chain? Tough to judge exactly. What is known is that any time a new chain bridges to Ethereum there’s an increase in price activity. At least two reasons underlie this. One being the large community on Ethereum owed to it being the first successful smart contract platform. Another is the perceived respect that coincides with connecting to a recognized community. However, EOS is different from most chains. It’s a developer-centric platform that brings sorely needed scalability to Ethereum. EOS is proven as fast, enduring, and secure as any blockchain in the space. Its applications are diverse. Some believe EOS’ only inhibitors are notoriety and funding. Now factor in all the ENF-led development, and it’s easy to see why an EOS EVM may transcend the blockchain space as it’s known today. For those focused on tokenomics, you’ll want to read the recently published TrustEVM article entitled A Glimpse into the Token Mechanism of Trust EVM(Part I). Quick highlights of the role of EVM tokens as outlined in the article are:

  • Gas Metering: not ERC-20 and can pay gas costs
  • Staking: staking on EOSIO 
  • Governance: used in governance of Trust EVM

Governance expects to maintain EOSIO qualities and will be discussed in a future article. Note that a formal testing version isn’t yet scheduled for at least another couple of weeks. 

Security through Fractal Governance and Some Refined Math

Fractally currently holds weekly face-to-face meetings. As the fractally platform is built, several regular members contribute each week to consensus and test out new models. This week saw part of the first whitepaper Addendum go into action. It was a major change that altered how participants advance to round 2. Given the rapid consensus ideation via video chat, fractally offers the unique ability to securely govern between two independent chains. This hits home to the recent words posted by Vitalik Buterin regarding a blockchain software bug where an attacker:

 …hacked enough keys to take it over…

Dan Larimer also took time to discuss misappropriated time that EOS infrastructure passed on to app developers in “pushing resource management”. He further describes the problem saying that it takes too:

…many dev hours to get it right.

In terms of refined math, Dan posted a followup to the Addendum’s token distribution model (believed in part inspired by Matt Langston).

Eden on EOS: Cruising Into a Mandelian September

Two weeks into the new Pomelo season, shows a more mature, quadratically-funded creator community. Too early to say that EOS is running like a well-oiled machine, but it’s clear that substantial progress has been made in advance of Mandel’s release next month. In terms of our Chief Delegates, they began meeting #4 by discussing relationships. Each then presented their recent contributions. Highlights include block producer interviews, learning initiatives, brainstorming sessions, and costs to ensure the next election. Funding sources discussed include a Pomelo grant application. Bylaws were officially ratified later in the interview [at the 38 minute mark] - link below:

Note that the Eden fractal owes part of its funding and other thanks to NovaCrypto. BTW, both fractally and Eden have their own weekly recaps on telegram.

Go Fractally: Addendum to the Whitepaper Passes

There was a different feel to this week’s Genesis fractally meeting. It was the first time the Addendum procedure for advancing to round 2 was implemented. As expected, first round consensus was faster, needing only to order the contributions of the non-advancing participants. Some who didn’t advance came together in the fractally Hangout room on Discord. Those who advanced to round 2 continued as in past weeks. Noteworthy was a call by Dan Larimer encouraging other fractal members to join Genesis so that the process and inspiration is clearly transmitted- at least during these early stages. Dan had other things to say this week as highlighted in the previous section, Security through Fractal Governance and Some Refined Math. Note that there’s currently 3 independent fractals (and one scheduled to host its first meeting this week). Each offers their own participation rewards on different chains:

  • Genesis (independent)
  • Eden (EOS)
  • Alien Worlds (WAX)
  • Bitshares (1st official meeting scheduled for Tuesday)

Join the discussion and make contributions by applying here, as well as find out more about each fractal.




Briefings highlight recent news and key projects within the EOS ecosystem.

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