30 June 2022 - VIDEO LINK



Present: Edgar Fernandez, Brock Pierce, Chuck MacDonald, Michael O'Sullivan, Gracie Lau

Not Present:  None

Meeting Chair: Edgar



Domenic to win the Vote.Eden RFP Bid: Motioned by Edgar to have Domenic with the RPF process with his bid. Was not seconded or voted on (done prior to the recording). This was later motioned again with a proper vote by Brock. Seconded by Michael. All voted in favour.

Select EDAO to perform code changes: This motioned by Edgar to be under the supervision of the Tech Lead (himself) to assist with the necessary contract upgrades. Was not seconded. This was later motioned again by Brock. Seconded by Michael. All voted in favour.

Creation of new .eden accounts: Motioned by Chuck to create 5 top level domains: apps, vote, tech, media, and NFT. Seconded by Michael. All in favour. 





with Notes


Individual Upates:

Brock: Token balance has not changed. Will either be delegating his funds to projects from Pomelo season 3 and/or will be donating to one or more of the Eden Circles. Has spent time looking at Hypha DAO and considering partnerships. 

Chuck: Circles seem to be beginning with the Wednesday Fractally style meetings continuing (13:00 each Wed in the Eden Discord). Preparations ongoing for the election. 

Michael: Wrote the Eden Member Services proposal. Also supporting the efforts to get the elections on track, and changes made to the contracts. 

Gracie: Had community meetings about the future of Eden. Working on EdenOS github code, and are guiding the team to be open source with this code to support other Edens.

Edgar: Prepared the MSIG TXs. One to transfer the Active permissions of the .eden namespace. The other to transfer the Active permissions of the genesis.eden account with a threshold of 4/5. Also were testing the smart contracts to run the July 9th election.


Review Vote.Eden RFP and Selection:

Vote.Eden RFP: Chuck: The RFP was for an individual to take responsibility for the management and execution of the next election. In addition this will be to create a document on how to run the election and a post-mortem on how it went. It was published on June 21. They received 3 emails about proposals. One from Dario with a link to the EOS Support grant application to the ENF. This to do the code updates, provide infrastructure, and running the election. The second was from Domenic which contained a scope of work to run the election and resume. The third was from Glover and contained a scope of work for the code updates and for the election. A report has been repaired and will be shared with the community. Asking the community to participate with these procedures being laid out understanding that these are being done in good faith. Edgar: Any additions. Michael: Thanks to Chuck for going the extra mile to get these RFPs out there. Edgar: Also thanks, and this identifies the need for a Circle perhaps to find the correct vendors to contract services to. They have reviewed the proposals and would motion to have Domenic to lead the proposal accepting his proposal. Also the option exists for EOS Support to assist here and invoice for that work. Thanks to all that did submit. They will communicate individually on the outcome of this RFP.

Code Changes: Edgar: For the tech side and code changes to update the smart contract and UI, there was an earlier RFP which Edgar was selected for. This to lead a team to scope and budget the work. That work was done by Edgar and the Edenia tech team. They also received a proposal from EDAO that has worked on the EdenCN community. Edgar motioned to select EDAO to support the Tech Lead in making the required code changes. Those code changes should be able to be implemented as soon as possible. Michael: Also a big thanks to Edgar, EDAO and Gracie for doing this work, prior to compensation being sorted out. Edgar: Attempted successfully to execute the MSIG live to confirm the required tx to get the CD’s the account permissions. This is a moment of independence for Eden to be able to push updates to the contracts and deliver on the ratified bylaw changes. Chuck: They also managed to secure the 10 EOS funding needed for this :)


Discuss Payment Options for Vendors:

Vendor Payments: Edgar: Can’t really pull from the genesis.eden account. So looking for the selected vendors to issue invoices. To be remunerated directly from the ENF or from their allocations. Eden is not in a position to contract work, nor commit to any obligation. Brock: Is this Eden independence day? Edgar: In a sense, yes, as they are  now in a position to make changes. For vendors Eden is recommending the ENF honour these contracts or statements of work that Eden is requiring. Michael: Do vendors need to seek approval from the ENF prior to sending an invoice. Edgar: Recommend they send invoices to the CDs and they pass along to approval. Michael: Would suggest they send directly to the ENF. Edgar: Ya ok, so they can send directly to the ENF and the CDs can be consulted as needed. 



Discuss Election Preparation and Eden Repository:

Election Preparations: Edgar: Would recommend a pull request made to the Eden repository to ensure the current owners agree with those changes. The EDAO team will propose changes to the repository and contract updates. The Edenia tech lead will also do a code review, and provide a recommendation to the CDs to accept the changes. Michael: Why does Fractally need to approve changes to the github Edgar: The Eden repository is under the Fractally team’s control as the active repository. Ideally the Fractally team will review and accept the pull-request, but they may choose not to. Ideally since these are all still Eden members that they will do this to ensure that the repository matches any changes made onchain. Gracie: Agrees with Edgar. Edgar: Worst case the repository could be forked and pointed to the contract.



Hypha DAO as a tool for Eden: Brock: Helios incubator has been working with Hypha DAO and Brock has been chatting this over with Michael and Chris Barnes on if Hypha would be a suitable tool for Eden to use. Would encourage the CDs to look at this and for an opinion based on opportunities there. Michael: How would Hypha work with Eden? Brock: The preliminary conversations are that they are built on Telos, and could do an EOS build of this platform. They could potentially implement the Eden governance into that platform. This isn’t a recommendation at this point, but simply something to be explored. We should be looking at buy vs build and so Hypha would be a potential solution to advancing Eden. This could be achieved with an investment from Helios, leveraging Pomelo round three, and if forming a new foundation around this could potentially be able to be supported by the ENF. Michael: Has had a look at the platform and it does look incredible, is this something we could run the Eden Member Services out of? Brock: This might be possible, yes. It needs to be looked at more closely, and is certainly worthy of consideration. The port from Telos to EOS would be much simpler than starting from scratch, but for needing the Eden bits. This can accelerate the building process of other things by future delegates.

Additional Circles: Edgar: Brock brought up last week the Hypha tool that Eden could use. There are also others that could be considered. With that there might be the need for a partnership or pitch Circle. This to allow for the integration of other teams and software that could benefit Eden. Brock: Should we formalize the motions thus far? One was to accept Domenic’s proposal. The other was EDAO. Both were motioned, seconded, and unanimously approved. About Hypha, have spend time with Helios and with Hypha, and they are a DAO in a box. Would like to propose a partnership circle to support vendors, and other solutions that are of benefit to Eden. Had a call with the Hypha team and are interested in working with Eden. This does look like a viable solution. Could be an application circle from an infrastructure, tooling consideration. Could be Apps.Eden. This way we could have plug and play solutions. Chuck: Agree apps.eden makes sense. Thinking of naming these with what their .eden account would be. This would need to be voted on as per the proposed bylaws. For now the primary are vote.eden, tech.eden and media.eden. Also lets do an nft.eden account. Brock: Lets do the motion for all 5. Chuck: This will be for apps, vote, tech, media, and NFT. Seconded by Michael, all were in favour. Edgar: One last thought, for each of the Circles, the CDs should be a part of these, and then communicate back to the group. Just to be there and sit in, not necessarily lead it. Chuck: They would be welcome to any meeting. Brock: Will chair the app committee for the next couple weeks. Chuck: Will take NFT Edgar: Already on tech. Brock: Michael Is on Media, and Gracie can do vote. This is good to at least each one has an accountable party. Michael: Need to get the word out about the election. Brock to use his channels.



Brock will chair the next meeting on Thursday, June 7th.