EOS CHIEF DELEGATES Term #3 - Meeting #1


11 July 2022 - VIDEO LINK



Present: Hahn Ryu, Dan Singjoy, Luka Percic, Chris Barnes

Not Present:  None

Meeting Chair: Chris






Provide KPI/Metric: Each CD will come back to the next meeting with a KPI and/or Metric that will be used to measure the success of their respective terms.

Meetings with Circle Leads: Will speak with each of the Circle Leads this week (Comms - Michael, Tech - Edgar, Vote - Domenic)

Bot build to be Scoped: Luka will scope his bot work.

Eden Fractal: Dan to create a document to outline the value proposition of the Eden Fractal.

How to Empower Eden: Hahn to create a document on his thoughts to empower Eden during his term.

Meet Previous CDs: This term to meet with the previous set of CDs prior to our next meeting.



with Notes

Layout How we Will Meet for our Term

Meeting Planning: Chris: How will we approach meeting chairs? Dan: Gratitudes. Happy to do rotating chairs. Luka: Would prefer to not chair, but will if needs to. Chris: Happy to chair more often considering his pitch was to work for Eden. Hahn: Would prefer Dan and Chris to these. Dan: We can always change this later if we’d like.

Agenda Creation: Chris:  Last CDs had the chair do this. One option is to have a Google Doc that they can all share. This especially so Hahn and Luka can add their items. Hahn: We can fill the agenda one day before. Dan: Maybe we can use Notion which is more flexible.


Review of Individual Pitches:

Chris: Primary focus is to increase user count of Eden Members, currently 429. This also with reducing apathy and increasing participation in the next election. Will focus on attempting a rebrand of Eden. What Eden is and why we are here? Why join Eden? No right answer, but needs one. This answer needs to be on a new website. Also looking to overlay the use of the DAO tool from Hypha and will facilitate that. This to create some voluntary structure within Eden of persistent roles not dependent on one’s success in an individual election. 

Dan: Had a visual presentation which he will make available later. Primary goal is to support the Eden Fractal. They are meeting each Wednesday in the Eden Discord at 13:00 UTC. This to use the Eden/fractally process to reward contributors. Also looking to have Eden and Eden Fractal to empower more communities. He will support Jesse from the EOS Bees, and his proposal to start a growth/marketing fractal that will start 30 mins before the current Eden Fractal meeting (so 12:30 UTC). Will also generally support and engage with the community on the Eden Townhalls each Sunday at 16:00 UTC.

Hahn: Looking to empower democratic governance through Eden, and the Korean community, and bringing the Korean votes into the BP election game. Eden is looking to find its role within the ecosystem beyond a fund allocation system. This is a democratic system that can help EOS evolve to the next phase. Wants to explore this opportunity via this Eden or the Korean community to interact with the Korean exchanges.

Luka: Running on the premise of keeping Eden as simple as possible. Not looking to create an organization that will work on itself. But rather allowing each CD to achieve the most with their allocation. The other part is to create a Telegram bot to remind people that they need to sign up for an election (it will check on chain to see if they have) and then it will be able to divide them on the day vs the current UI that uses Zoom. They can join via a link and record in Telegram. This to improve the UX and reduce the fears that users have when trying to join elections. Planning to run a test election with it, and then current CDs can decide to use this. With some luck the next election can be run with this. It can also provide redundancy via link that users can use to place a vote via bloks on the blockchain, vs the website which could go down. Also looking to remove the video induction and make it more like a fun tool for users to join than something that is too complex. 


How to Measure Sucess for our Term:

KPI/Metrics: Chris: We should ideally have objective metrics to demonstrate the efficacy of our term. This is one way that we can show to the community the output of ‘Eden’. So we should set a KPI and metric, measure it now, and then compare the results later. Luka: If a goal isn’t achieved we just have to be able to explain why.


Bylaw Review for Potential Ratification:

Bylaws: Chris:  Next meeting should include a review of the proposed bylaws for ratification. We can decide to accept the changes and review bylaws that require code updates. The fund distribution from 5-15% would require code changes. The most recent distribution did take place already so any changes would be for the next month’s amount. Luka: We need to figure out what funds Eden needs for itself to run. The website would have costs for deployment and work. The MSIG need to be prepared.There should be a list of items with costs, and request from the community for a % increase for distribution. Chris: It might be the case that an increase to 15% isn’t enough.


Additional Items Discussed:

Meeting Notes: Chris: Will continue to make meeting notes for these meetings. Still one meeting behind from the previous CDs. Will put those up on the ByWire platform.

Action Items: Chris: Will speak with the various Circle leads on their scope. Luka: Will scope out his bot. He will also plan to put in a Pomelo pitch to raise funds for this. Dan: Will aim to meet with the Circle leads with the other CDs. Will host the Eden Fractal on Wednesday. Will co-host the Eden Townhall on Sunday. Will look to create a concise document on what the value proposition of the Eden Fractal is. Hahn: Will try to join the calls that work with timezone considerations. Primary focus will be to define what it means to empower Eden. IE with an automatic proxy or something else. Will also communicate with the Korean community. Will have a document on this for the next call.






Dan will chair the next meeting on Monday July 18th.