EOS Mandel 11

LONDON (Bywire News) - The Mandel upgrade will be another in a series of pivotal moments for EOS. For the first time, the codebase will be run on software that was not developed by Block.one and instead emerged from the community. 

Every week the team leading this development holds weekly meetings which you can view on YouTube. Here are the highlights from week 11. 

In terms of updates, two more developers have joined bringing the total to four so far. They are interested in hearing from anyone else who might be interested. 

A new hire for EOS Nation has previous experience in sending surveys. She is working on developing a survey to assess the appetite within the community to drop Mac support. The Pomelo team is working on a survey for grantmakers but has warned the audience might not be what they expect. 

This is partly because people who work on Pomelo will not just be developers. They could come from all sorts of different disciplines. If they plan to send to grantmakers, they will need to think about the best approach. One suggestion is to include a question about job function which would enable them to segment results according to functions.  

Mandel Code Strategy

The team is currently prioritising the scope of work that will be needed to be upgraded to Mandel 3.1 and what needs to go to 3.2.

They add a note from Matthew Darwin that he shared in telegram chat as part of 3.1 plans. 

Previously it has been discussed that a block splitting feature is a necessary requirement for the release to be acceptable to the community. Recently a question arose as to what was actually required. His views are: 

  • Keep all blockc.log in a single file 
  • Keep some recent blocks in one file or optional more files as the discretion of developers. 
  • Don’t store any blocks at all.  

A meeting is planned to address these issues. 

For now, they have begun to query the GitHub API to categorise those things they want to see and those which they do not. They are creating a list where they will decide if something will be a target for 3.1 or 3.2.

Testing Mandel 

In terms of testing on Mandel, there is nothing to report from EOS Nation.

EOS USA flipped their BP nodes onto Mandel as is beginning testing. 

In general, the group is happy with the number of BPs who are registered on Jungle 4. Progress is continuing with the team putting all the ingredients in place for a successful and prompt update onto Mandel. 

(writing by Tom Cropper; Editing by Cléo Celeste)