EOSweekly: BSN on EOS, Defibox, Account Recovery, Pomelo, Wallet+




Pomelo Season 2: Living Up to Expectations


Grant proposals are now being accepted on Pomelo. Daniel Keys went on Everything EOS to discuss what’s new for Season 2. Here’s part of his opening statement describing the EOSIO crowdfunding platform:

Democratically allocated public funds to public goods based on basically the wisdom of the crowd.

Anyone who has an idea for a public good can submit a grant application. Here he describes Season 2’s new trust bonus feature:

By increasing your trust bonus, whenever you make a donation our quadratic formula basically just treats you as if you donated more than you actually did.

Eden members do not currently enjoy a Pomelo trust bonus. That may change as Eden matures. Daniel discussed other topics like future bounties to ease the workflow. Exciting proposals out of the gate include: 

EOSQuest.io - complete quest and earn reward

EOS PowerUp - (advancing plans for season 2)

The EOS PowerUp team would like to move away from a centralized service to a community owned DAO. EOS Quest’s mandate is twofold. Make it easy to create and complete quests. Ease the learning curve for new EOS users. 


China’s Blockchain-based Service Network Eyes EOS

Let’s get this out of the way:

When it comes to cryptoChina, there’s a lot of controversy over open networks.

So why is EOS consistently ranked high on some eastern rankings? Well, there’s those stubborn eastern block producers holding tightly to short-term profits. Another factor is EOS practical use cases. Western developers (and users) may begin flocking to EOS alongside new development tools like EVM+. For now the headline is China’s Blockchain-based Service Network. According to forkfast, this service:

…allows NFT issuance in China without involving cryptocurrency transactions.

BSN is a permissioned (i.e. limited participation) blockchain, so it’s not ideal for a community focused on open source public goods like Pomelo, but it does offer mainnet recognition. Also note the success of the first Eden CN (China) trial election. There are a lot of reasons to choose EOS. Being able to meet the requirements of a Chinese government that’s often openly hostile to Bitcoin (and other open source tech) is another reason to be optimistic. Keep in mind that Chinese regulators have submitted to the need for a blockchain-based future. Also noteworthy is that even free enterprise networks have been cautious to adopt the more open development of blockchain.


Defibox Annual Report

Defibox remains a core component of the EOS ecosystem. WAX integration stands out in recent weeks. The release of Defibox's annual report also serves as a sort of litmus test for the mainnet. This year's swap trade volume totalled just under 15 million EOS. BOX token holders will also be glad to hear about a new airdrop. However, the year's biggest news from the Defibox team is Gamebox. That means defi for NFTs, MMOs, gaming consoles, and creativity in general. Online gaming without blockchain was already an industry worth billions of dollars and growing. Imagine the magniture of an even greater (metaverse) explosion.


EOS Account Recovery via Eden

If you've been an active member of the mainnet community you may remember a dynamic proposal for account recovery. The concept was simple, something like allocating backup permissions to multiple family members or close friends for the purpose of reinstating one's account. It’s made possible through Eden. Chris Barnes led us in thanking Dan Larimer and his Fractally team for making account recovery a reality. For details on how the process works, check out this Notion post. The first step is to reach out to a Chief Delegate. The process is live in preparation for the second Eden election on April 9th.


Aaron Cox on Wallet+


When it comes to wallets on EOS, Anchor is the thing. It's arguably the most trusted, dependable, and thoughtful application on the mainnet. And it's lead developer? Well, he's also the first Head Chief Delegate of EdenOnEOS. Makes sense that Aaron Cox is also a director of sorts for the Wallet+ working group. Here's some choice words he let fly (see video above):

They have the tools they need on these other ecosystems just handed to them and they can just focus on the app. We need to get to that point with EOSIO. [00:16]…the first full SDK will be focused on web technologies [01:36]

Aaron noted that focusing on the web invariably transfers to other development areas like mobile, metaverse, or any emerging web-based demands. According to the ENF, Wallet+ establishes easily accessible and organized software development tools that support programming languages for all major platforms. Included in its suite are:

EOSIO Starter Kit

Client Library + Plugins

Core Library + Extensions


Fractally Taking Shape


In case you missed it, Helios interviewed Dan Larimer about Fractally. As with any revolutionary technology, it takes some understanding. The interview (overviewed last week) is a good place to start. You may also wish to check out what NovaCrypto has going on with Collaborative Circles and a Mind Web specific to Fractally. Fractally is about positive impacts. NovaCrypto got off running as strong as anyone in providing public goods (see video above). With Dan handing over the hosting sessions to Joshua Seymour, another dedicated superstar, the community can expect 30 minute orientation meetings for new members.  Also note that the domain was shortened to gofractally.com in preparation for the community site.


Around EdenOnEOS

Edenia (EOS Costa Rica) caught the attention of the community in recent weeks. The team really is in accord with what the mainnet is building. Compare how its open source developer learning portal coincides with Wallet+ (discussed in an above section). Helios put its Spotlight on the UX Network bridge as an IBC (inter-blockchain communication) solution. ZEOS is still developing quietly in the background. Take a sneak peak at the privacy focused wallet. Eden Clips #21 is especially interesting as Dan joined the CDs to discuss fractal governance. Remember, in addition Chief Delegate meetings (#22), there’s a weekly Fireside Chat, Mandel meeting (#6), and Eden Members recap. There’s more, like a GenPool Spotlight and EOS Bees second Rants competition. BTW, have you noticed that TrimBot provides a lot of timely information like B1 talent joining the ENF. Lastly (certainly not least), Samurai’s Big Beard rants on


Meta Community Engagement Rewards

Looking for a fun way to get involved with the EOS community and sister chains? Join Meta Collect Discord gen-chat for things like Finney trivia, engagement rewards, games, and giveaways. There’s Finney Coins (and more) at stake.



TrimBot @Trim_Bot
Pay attention to $EOS. This isn’t just some small pump, massive changes are happening right now. EOS will be the comeback story of 2022, and will reclaim its spot in the top 10. Talent is rapidly flocking to EOS in anticipation of what’s happening… https://t.co/YHe9oNK55W

DNP3 @DNPthree

@MrNFTea @AltcoinDailyio Not at all. There are so many projects silently launching on $EOS - they are building but marketing. They're going to surge within the next 3-6 months.
Kevin Damken (Chevs) 🦁 @chevsofficial
The @EOS_Bees spanish hive @EOSBees_ESP translated into spanish the article "Creating Positive Sum Games for Public Goods on EOS" from @PomeloGrants. Go check it out 👇👇 https://t.co/K6YEqGZjQT

EOS Bees - Español @EOSBeesESP

Conoce como @PomeloGrants ayuda a construir, unificar y afianzar la comunidad en #EOS a través de su enfoque de #descentralización. Una potente #blockchain enfocada en #dApps y servicios descentralizados. #EOSBees Lee el artículo completo 👇 https://t.co/qbgy4vgHqs
Newdex #EOS #BSC @NewdexOfficial
📢BREAKING: 🔥Total burnt reaches 10 Million!!! #DEX 🔥#EOS

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.


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