Introducing EOSIO For Business - BaaS is HERE

Daniel Larimer, CTO of at the B1 June launch, 2019, Washington DC. Photo credits and copyright,

LONDON (Bywire News) - is bringing enterprise grade offerings to EOSIO with a suite of services designed to help organisations bring the blockchain into their operations. In total, four new services will be coming into play including Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS), consulting, technical support, and training and certification programs.

Blockchain technologies have been attracting growing interest from organisations looking to bring greater security, transparency and reliability into their data infrastructure. However, as interest develops, there is a gap in available technical expertise and resources to allow companies to effectively incorporate blockchain functionality. 

EOSIO for business is designed to close this gap with simple, but powerful solutions, which will help businesses focus on their core operations. 

The EOSIO blockchain system uses proven design patterns and technologies such as event sourcing, web assembly and in memory multi index databases. Developers can build highly scalable blockchain applications faster than ever without having to learn a new language. 

With this new offering, they hope to help businesses overcome one of the biggest impediments to blockchain adoption. 

“Despite knowing the inherent benefits that blockchain will deliver to their business operations, many in-house product engineering teams are wary of the complexity involved in setting up and administering their own blockchain,” said Chief Operating Officer Ted Cahall. “Our EOSIO for Business customers will be able to work directly with EOSIO experts to ensure that their implementations seamlessly integrate with existing technology, and they will also have exclusive access to the newest EOSIO features and upgrades – all of which will enable in-house teams to focus on other business priorities while still benefiting from the reliability and security of their new blockchain systems.”

The new suite of services will comprise four pillars:

  • EOSIO premier technical support: Companies can identify support tiers in outsourcing troubleshooting to launch and maintain operations for an EOSIO implementation.
  • EOSIO BaaS: An automated blockchain platform, fully managed by, which allows companies to leverage blockchain technology without having to sacrifice internal resources to maintenance. 
  • EOSIO Consulting: Direct access to EOSIO engineers to empower developers to identify and implement solutions.
  • EOSIO Training and Certification: Extensive courses covering the basics of EOSIO including smart contract programming, auditing and best security practices for integrations. 

Among the companies already using EOSIO for business are Mythical Games which was recently listed on Forbes’ Disruptive Technologies to Watch’ list. They use EOSIO for business to create digital ecosystems around player owned economies. 

“At Mythical, we are redefining game economies and creating new revenue opportunities by putting more power and ownership in the hands of players and content creators,” said Rudy Koch, Co-founder and SVP of Business Development at Mythical Games. “EOSIO is an integral part of our efforts. Leveraging’s EOSIO BaaS service enables us to continue delivering world-class game technology products to our players and partners.”


(Written by Tom Cropped, edited by Michael O'Sullivan)