Latest EOS News - EOS Network Celebrates Fifth Anniversary with Major Milestones and Upcoming Developments with DeFi Expansion, Real Vision Podcast, and More

LONDON (Bywire News) - As EOS Network commemorates its fifth anniversary, the community partook in an engaging Fireside Chat, enthusiastically delving into the accomplishments, developments, and aspirations of this thriving ecosystem.

On this remarkable occasion, the EOS community converges to celebrate a series of notable achievements. These include the impending upgrade to EOS EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), Yves La Rose's upcoming appearance on the renowned Real Vision podcast, and the initiation of Pomelo Season 6.

The imminent EOS EVM 0.5 Release Candidate 1 update sets the stage for bolstering the platform's competitiveness in the burgeoning DeFi landscape. By integrating the Yield Plus Liquidity Program, EOS is poised to exponentially expand its Total Value Locked.

With over 360,000 followers on Twitter, Real Vision has captured the attention of the crypto community. Yves La Rose's participation in the podcast on June 12th at 12 PM Eastern signifies an excellent opportunity for the EOS community to transcend boundaries and reach new heights.

As the sixth season of Pomelo unfolds, the platform now supports donations, propelling the EOS community to venture further and secure more funding prospects for diverse project grants. With novel features like multi-chain and multi-pool capabilities, both EOS and Telos tokens can now be used in donations.

Meanwhile, the OCI's Antelope and Leap Team, despite incurring a fee, have pledged their expertise to support the community in their projects. By collaborating with these adept professionals, the EOS community can tap into a wealth of knowledge and ensure the success of their projects.

In the realm of gaming, the virtual property trading game, Upland, captures the imagination of the EOS community through its Genesis Week celebrations. With an array of promotional events, new features, and live sessions in Las Vegas, Upland's metaverse appears to be a promising venture built on EOS.

Other breakthroughs encompass Alcor's integration with Anchor Account Creator, facilitating easier account creation and user-friendly experiences on the Antelope chain. Meanwhile, Fractal, an EOS-centric community, marked its first anniversary by unveiling two innovative consensus games, fostering collaboration and benefits for all participants.

Reflecting on the incredible journey thus far, members of the EOS community have every reason to be optimistic about its future. With new tools, games, and features in the pipeline, the EOS family is committed to fostering innovation, resilience, and collaboration.

Commensurate with the spirit of commemoration, the anniversary celebration also features NFT giveaways. Teeming with the network's paramount highlights, EOS community enthusiasts can seize a chance to win EOS prizes by opening EOS Moments crates and capsules.

As the community looks ahead, EOS Moments will no longer be freely available but can only be acquired through the market or future community-led events.

Ultimately, the EOS Network's Fireside Chat demonstrated the unwavering dedication of the community to evolve, adapt, and surpass expectations in the ever-changing world of blockchain technology. Through active discussions, updates, and celebrations, the EOS community has carved a path for future growth and achievements in the years to come.

(Writing by Michael O'Sullivan)