Reddit ENF Analysis July

Reddit ENF Analysis July:


  1. Increased upvote and karma to daily posts for Reddit EOS
  2. Statistics and analysis on growth of Reddit and Facebook
  3. Attention and moderation of networks
  4. Growth of official ENF account on Reddit and Post on Facebook
  5. Attention and translation in languages

We have dropped to the top 5% of the largest communities on Reddit.

1. Attention and moderation of networks:

July 01, 2023:

total post reports: 34.

Comments Removed:56

Spam and Fud Comments: 62

Spam links:40

Banned Users:12

Conclusion: We have reduced the level of spam in posts, comments and malicious links.

Highest upvote and daily post karma for Reddit EOS:

Highest UpVote of all time: 474

Highest UpVote of the last year: 64

Highest Upvote of the last month: 7

The current status of posts on UpVote and Karma have declined due to a lack of users interested in the posts.

The Goal for these 7 months of Work is the increase of more than 20 Daily UpVote and interactions.


Attention and translation in languages:

Attention in different languages with the support of EOS Support.

Articles in other languages in different special posts on Reddit.

Creation of special label to distinguish languages.

Goal: Increase users giving opportunity to all languages.

ENF Account Growth:

Account creation: July 27, 2022.

Followers: 24

Karma: 1,464

Post with the most UpVote:

ENF increase in 12 months

1,464/12 Months = 122 Karma per Month, that is, a 8,30% Increase each Month.

Reddit Mod Insights Analytics and Metrics:

What are Mod Insights?

Mod Insights contains data that you can use to better understand and improve your community and moderation capabilities.

This feature is divided into three main sections:

  • Community Growth – This section will display information about traffic and member growth.
  • Team Health – This section will include information about the activity of your fellow moderators.
  • Community Health – This section highlights whether the rules and filters within your community are working as they should. It will include information about published content and reports

Community growth:

To June: 

This month of July:  This month there was a 30% increase in views. 

July 2023:

Team Moderation:

Last month of moderation (July)

View of the community in general in 30 days:

Community Posts:

The month of July 2023:


Goal: Return to more than 45,000 views per month with the opportunity to increase Users to 99,000.