Voice Adds Communities

LONDON (Bywire News) - Voice.com has announced another new feature designed to provide people with a virtual meet up space to connect with people who share their interests. Voice Communities will help users talk with other people in virtual gathering spaces based on their interests, hobbies, professions, and location. 

The platform hopes it will help users turn Voice into a more personalised experience to help them find content and people who match their interests. 

The platform is kicking the program off this week with six communities focused on culture. 

“Not only is this the topic that Voice community members and employees are most passionate about — it’s also the focus area of content creators who tend to be most exploited on mainstream social media platforms,” writes Rebecca Chun, a senior product manager at Voice. “Our goal is to create a nurturing space for open cultural conversation that legitimately rewards the people bringing the most compelling content to the table. 

They are also adding five communities owned by Holly Brockwell, Steve Hemmerstoffer, Cryptowriter, Evan Blass, and Laurence & Jessica Noah, who will be the first members of their new community incubator program. 

For us, Communities are the logical next phase in the evolution of Voice because they’re a powerful new way to engage honestly and humanely via social media as it should be,” adds Chung. “We will be introducing new communities at the end of the month, and eventually, you’ll be able to create your own communities. Together, we are building the future of social media.”

The new feature will bring a few new features including communities replacing categories, the ability to publish content directly to a community and have it read by anyone in the Voice Community. 

You can discover the first communities now on Voice.com.

(Written by Tom Cropped, Edited by Klaudia Fior)