WATCH: Politics Vlogger Samuel K absolutely nails why we CANNOT stop at just tackling greed in Football

"Here’s an important question that most people don't seem to ask: if we as a country can get furious over the greed of football club owners that turn their back on fans to make themselves more money, why can't we use that same anger towards the greed of other companies?

Britain has been ripped off by greedy businesses and businessmen for decades - in healthcare, housing and even taxes. But why should it not be acceptable in football, but acceptable in those other areas?

Take for example healthcare. During the pandemic the government decided to work with the likes of Serco for a tracing app. They spent over £37 billion pounds of our taxpayer money on contracts for this. I just want you to think about how much money that actually is.

To put it into context: the cost of all NHS workers salaries in 2017 was £47 billion pounds.

What's more, our government allowed a small number of greedy companies - who just happen to have close relationships with senior Tories - to charge extortionate fees for the app that didn't even end up working.

A group of researchers and former senior health directors have come together and argued that, instead of spending those billions that went directly to greedy companies, local authorities and NHS Trusts could have quickly and safely trained furloughed workers as volunteers to create an effective tracing system. But instead we gave billions to companies.

And while we're talking about companies, let's also discuss why there's no national outrage over tax dodging by multi billion pound companies here in the UK.

According to Tax Watch UK, nearly a third of the companies that received Coronavirus loans from the government are either based in, or substantially owned by, a tax haven resident.

Lastly, when are we as a country going to collectively come together in rage over the housing crisis? The government and the private construction industry have both worked hand in hand to bring us to the situation we're in today.

Since the 80s, with the mass selling off Council homes by Thatcher, and the continued failure of governments ever since to fully commit to large-scale house building, ordinary people - especially young people - have found it almost impossible to get a mortgage or find an affordable place of their own.

Would you get angry if you found out that this was happening deliberately? Well, it is. Housing shortages are caused by developers deliberately reducing the supply of housing that most people can afford, which naturally forces prices up.

Oh, and guess what: in case you didn't know, the property lobby has a lot of access and influence of government ministers and civil servants. And, to be more specific, the property lobby is one of the main funders of the Conservative Party.

Greed is wrong when it happens in football. But it's also wrong when it happens in our daily lives - from the businesses and government ministers who work together to rip us off in so many other ways.

Boris Johnson thinks he can come out and condemn the greed of football owners - but when are we as a country going to call out his greed, and the greed of the companies that fund him?"