Briefings: Antelope 3.2, ENV, Pomelo, EOS Respect, Greymass’ Wharf, ENF DCENTRAL

Antelope 3.2 Released

Antelope is the underlying code upon which the EOS Network and other chains are built. It replaces EOSIO. The ENF developed Antelope and this week announced version 3.2. For clarity, the name ‘Leap’ was given to the version used by the EOS Network. Leading the new features of Antelope 3.2 is:

“ unified command-line interface (CLI) tool called leap-util to support users operating Leap nodes…”

Node operators have been in the spotlight of late with weekly Leap meetings being renamed to Leap EOS Node Operator Roundtable. Other new features include:

  • cleos sub-commands
  • performance enhancements
  • backported EOSIO pull requests (PRs)

Find out more on the AntelopeIO Github.


According to the ENF’s schedule, its Global Conference Strategy for EOS comes to an end next week. Remaining events are DCENTRAL Miami on November 28 and 29, and TECHEX Blockchain EXPO on December 1 and 2. This past week, the ENF was scheduled to appear in London on November 21 and 22 for Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference. News released out of the ENF continued to center around TOKEN2049. Unscheduled and while closely associated with the foundation, was EOS Nation presenting in Montreal. The ENF team is willing to grab opportunities when presented. The surprise visit and subsequent VCAB agreement out of South Korea illustrate the ENFs readiness and preparedness to respond to the needs of the space. A combined strategy of close adherence and responsive awareness has served both the foundation and EOS quite well.

EOS Network Ventures

The surprise passage of EOS Network Ventures feels a bit like a mini-series. Last week, community concerns were heard to the tune of action (updated permissions). The week prior was the announcement that led to the raising of community voices. This week on the ENV, Yves stole most of the spotlight on the weekly Fireside Chat. He went into the relationship between the ENF and ENV. Yves discussed how the ENV doesn’t exist yet in response to the question of who’s leading the new community VC arm. He laid out how the ENV will differ from the Busan agreement. Much-needed clarity also came in the form of a blog post entitled “The Road to EOS Network Ventures — Community FAQ”. For those wanting to glimpse the end of the story, Yves reiterated a statement made on November 12:

“...The ecosystem fund will be managed by EOS Network Ventures, and will exclusively be investing in #EOS projects. Nothing else.”

Pomelo Rapid Fire, Collections, and More

Season 4 firmly supplants Pomelo as a fixture of the EOS Network. Season 1 saw just a fraction of the participants of Season 2. By Season 3, a few projects had already demonstrated the effectiveness of cumulative Pomelo quadratic funding. But it’s the dynamic around Season 4, about a year following Pomelo’s founding, that’s really taken hold. An evolving environment of ENF grants, Helios funding, and even EOS Respect allocations all help service needs that make Pomelonian lives a bit more comfortable. Team Pomelo has responded with new features and efforts like:

Don’t forget about Pomelo NFTs. It’s an exciting future for Pomelo and projects providing a public good for the EOS Network. 

EOS Respect Election #4

Election #4 is in the books for EOS Respect. What is EOS Respect? It’s a private group that forked the EdenOS software for the specific purpose of rewarding and accounting for value creation on the EOS Network. All projects wishing to be considered for funding must apply and be accepted as an EOS Support affiliate. Members are selected from the community who provide value to EOS within a predetermined scope of operations. Criteria are similar to the public goods recognized by Pomelo. However, all project managers need to be reachable for a report on accountability. EOS Respect becomes more relevant with each passing election, illustrated by a recent, generous donation to the treasury from EOS Support. This month’s delegates are:

  • Nicolas Davoine
  • Sebastian Beyer
  • Jin Terry
  • Marco Gonzalez

Greymass Introduces Wharf

Once the main presence (besides B1) around the community, Team Greymass got its wish to develop unencumbered. What that has meant for the EOS Network is substantially more value being produced and a Greymass team seemingly operating in the shadows. The introduction of Wharf is another testament to Greymass. Though, few around the community discussed Wharf this past week. That’s not to say that the “ generation of web tooling for the @AntelopeIO ecosystem…” will be any less impactful. Read and/or watch  Exploring Antelope Web Client SDKs with Aaron Cox of Greymass for answers to what Wharf makes possible and why the name was chosen.

EOS Detective

Team Helios is a valued member of the EOS Network. Its specialty is in seeing the big picture of how EOS fits into the Web3 revolution. Where the ENF focuses on core development and expands from there, Helios takes an external view on how best to employ EOS and Antelope applications to solve problems of more traditional needs. EOS Detective is among those tools identified by Helios that cater to the greater ecosystem. Get to know EOS (and WAX) by visiting EOS Detective to experience:

“...easy-to-understand visual representation of transactions.”

EOS Network Updates

This weekly section has been renamed from Eden on EOS. Eden still exists as quarterly, monthly, and weekly (Wednesday) meetings- albeit of different organizations. Discussion is as vibrant as ever in Telegram chats like Eden NFTs. Eden fractal remains committed to advancing the technology. And quarterly elections of Eden on EOS delegates maintain a vision for the future. However, the excitement has waned over EdenOS software. Few still envision Eden somehow becoming the new mechanism that governs significant operations on EOS. This section will continue to consider Eden efforts in reporting and critiquing weekly events on the EOS Network. For details, readers are encouraged to also consider the resources below. Note that this end section of EOS Briefings seeks to touch upon what it felt like to be part of the EOS Network community this week. Read more about what’s going on around the EOS Network community:


Briefings highlight recent news and key projects within the EOS ecosystem.

Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for expansive Web3 networks.