Briefings: Yield+ WG++, ENF in Dubia, Trust EVM Reviewed, EOS Respect, EVMXIdeathon, Pomelo Moon Base

Working Groups: Yield+ Full Launch, Recover+, and Scalability+

If there was one article a DeFi investor needs to read this year, it might just be the September 2022 Yield+ Report. Listen to what the ENF had to say about the full launch:

“After 6 weeks of operating under its pilot phase, Yield+ will be transitioning to FULL LAUNCH on October 17. That means 5x reward emissions for $EOS and $USDT TVL on qualifying #EOSDeFi protocols!🚀”

Qualifying protocols (like Defibox), turn their attention from preparedness to action. Keep in mind that Yield+ and Recover+ go hand-in-hand as a conservative approach. Yield+ is good for both the EOS token and the ecosystem. It allows for more DeFi options. Here’s a list of all currently accepted DeFi protocols. Coinciding with liquidity and security is the Scalability+ working group. The team recently outlined how it’s responding to the demand for Web3 apps. Scalability advancements are discussed in a thread about instant finality, IBC, and horizontal solutions. Want to learn more about developing on EOS and the new Dev Hub? A Fireside Chat with Nathan James is a good place to start.

ENF on Tour: Dubia

The ENF world tour might just continue through the launch of Trust EVM (anticipated for Q1 2023). The energy, excitement and remnants of the team's dedicated, in-person efforts surely will. The months-long tour aims to inform, inspire, and facilitate development on the New EOS. This week, Ziasan again joined the ENF at the Future Blockchain Summit in Dubia. For a detailed account of the tour thus far, and vibrant images of TOKEN2049, visit ENF Launches Global Conference Strategy for EOS with Major Events Across Europe & Asia. The Medium article is an account of the ENF looking back on the first stage of its strategy. And here’s the list of scheduled events through December. Note that the ENF is willing to make scheduling adjustments as it did in South Korea just before TOKEN2049.

Trust EVM Review

Trust EVM is a big part of the ENF’s tour. Trust EVM will likely play a pivotal role in building the next generation of Web3 apps. Of course there are other EVMs, but none running with Trust’s performance capabilities. Read an early review of Trust EVM’s title sponsorship at TOKEN2049 in Singapore. Key highlights were:

  • A well received booth
  • CEO, Yves La Rose’s, stage presence 
  • Enterprising opportunities
  • Mainnet countdown

Quick notes for developers were provided in a thread. Basically, a new, flexible timestamp mapping was used in place of block mapping for the purpose of compatibility and maintaining philosophical consistency with a trade off in speed. Given the new methods’ flexibility, EOS can more easily revisit any future speed issues.


Surely, among the most excited about Trust EVM are those competing in the hackathon/ideathon. If only the community were granted daily insight into advancements being made at the event. For those needing more inspiration to join EVMxIdeathon, there’s still $125k in prizes up for grabs. It’s also the ideal place to show off your technical skills. More than that, EVMxIdeation is an extended networking event for blockchain developers around the world. Learn more on the team’s

EOS Respect Election and More from EOS Support

This week, the EOS Respect community will hold its 3rd election. The group formed out of EOS Support to help bring accountability to community-funded projects like those on Pomelo. EOS Respect’s treasury was recently increased by EOS Support. If you’d like to help the community track projects on Pomelo, then you’re encouraged to read an overview about EOS Respect. The project is also accepting donations to help fund worthwhile projects and infrastructure to uphold high standards.

EOS in Mainstream News 

Good to see the EOS Network Foundation in mainstream news while still early in its world tour. Here’s a list of sites that picked up the action:

  • CRYPTO NEWS FLASH - “Bullish for EOS: ENF announces new liquidity incentive program and…”
  • ENTREPRENEUR - “How This Blockchain Network Is Taking Its Power Back”
  • FINANCE FEEDS - “EOS Network reveals liquidity reward and security schemes, Recover+ and Yield+”

There’s so much going on around the New EOS, one must wonder how the ENF keeps track of it all. Those working groups discussed in the first section are but three of nine. Maybe even more amazing is getting all these efforts and associated products to work in harmony. There’s something special going on here and the world (albeit still just a small part) is taking notice.

Pomelo NFT Builds: Moon Base

With Pomelo Season 4 announced last week, now it’s time to focus on this season’s NFTs. Pomelo NFTs seem to get more elaborate with each season. The astronaut theme replaced Season 1’s tree-and-fruit theme. Starting off Season 4 are Moon Rocks. Grant Collectable Packs will soon be released. The ultimate goal of Pomelo Season 4 NFTs? Well, if Season 3’s aim was to launch a rocket ship, then Season 4 is to build a Moon Base. Remember, Pomelo’s sole purpose for being is as the premier quadratic funding platform. The team meticulously checks each season’s grant applicants, donations, and final tally for errors and bad actors. Join Pomelo as a grant applicant and/or donator.

Eden on EOS: Times of Transition

The ENF’s tour is shaking things up. Antelope and Trust EVM developers are acclimating to new standards. There’s so much more going on on the New EOS. So, what are we to expect from our new, fourth term Chief Delegates? They’ve yet to make some noise. Hopefully, by next week the community will have a better idea of what to expect over the next few months. Below are regular, consistent sources of EOS mainnet information. Maybe you noticed a couple missing. Even during these hectic times of transition, the community has handled itself gracefully.