EOSweekly: Developers Wanted, Trust EVM Logo, Scam Warning, Defibox, Greymass

The Hunt for Developers: Spotlight on Nathan James

Those who’ve been around a couple of years probably used Scatter. It was the first EOS wallet. Nathan James was behind Scatter’s development. With the success of the Anchor wallet and other development opportunities, Nathan moved on to develop his own EOSIO-based chain in Ultra. Good news for Mandel in that Nathan is back and working with the EOS Network Foundation. His first mission is to recruit new developers. Other initiatives beyond aiding the ENF’s own development goals include hackathons and developer events, a mentor program, and a variety of documentations, learning initiatives and demonstrations.

New Trust EVM Logo

The new reality of an EOS-ETH ecosystem quickly approaches. Already being tested by both core and dapp developers, EOS EVM (Trust Network) seems to be on schedule. Another sign is the new Trust EVM logo and branding. Read about the logo design strategies, how it’s expected to be used and more at the Trust Network’s Medium blog. Explore the expected benefits of:


low gas fees

high throughput 


tools and more

Also note that one of the first community testnet applications of EVM token proved successful for me on June 5. The app tested: TrustSwap.

ENF News

Every week the ENF dominates EOS news; every week the ENF delivers something new. The EOS mainnet is in transition and the ENF is leading the way. So it’s no wonder that the community allows it such leeway. It has never demonstrated the complacency of Block.One, nor has it shown signs of slowing down. Besides having a direct hand or influence in other topics presented this week, the ENF released its bi-weekly report for the EOSIO Coalition+. Included in the report was the planned funding of 22 top priorities. The long term-plan and roadmap includes development goals and support. If you’ve stayed current then you’re aware that a mainnet consensus upgrade is scheduled for September. Also scheduled for the end of the same month is Token 2049 in Singapore. The event expects to attract 3,000 members of the crypto community. Also note that the ENF, Coalition+ and Greymass are teaming up specifically to advance Wallet SDKs. Among the objectives are better user experiences and the development environment.

EOS Support Scam Warning

EOS Support provides a variety of services. Onboarding new users is merely one. The team remains diligent about protecting the community and identifying new scams. A new social media scam was found this week. EOS Support described it as an EOS account verification scam on its site. Recommended practices would at least:

Never follow any instructions you get via private messages on social media.

Never enter your private key on social media or suspicious websites.

If you are not 100% sure, you can always ask EOSsupport.io before claiming anything!

You can find a list of known scams here.


Team Defibox took time out this week to talk about stable coins and security. Indeed both should be primary concerns of any defi platform. EOS token holders have come to expect the best from Defibox. Speaking about security the team said it to be its top priority. Defibox thanked a bug hunter for discovered a new threat. A reward was also deemed in order. In fact, a Defibox official added:

We reward experts who invest time and effort in improving the security of Defibox!

When discussing stable coins, Defibox expressed the desire for increased support. USN, USDT, and the Balance protocol were specifically singled out. Advancing liquidity is key for both Defibox and EOS (Yield+) alike.

Greymass Recruiting and the Roles of Anchor and Unicove

The ENF isn’t the only one who’s recruiting. So is Greymass and Team fractally for that matter. In it’s latest progress update (May) Greymass said:

…one of our primary goals this year is growing our small team and to help onboard new developers into the EOSIO ecosystem…

An ideal solution combines the right individuals alongside the building of new tools. Developers that Team Greymass are looking for should be: 

… interested in pushing the boundaries of these new technologies.

Included in the progress report was the new distinction between Anchor and Unicove:

…Anchor working towards being the EOSIO “authenticator” for any application and Unicove being the primary EOSIO “wallet” interface Greymass offers.

This week, Greymass also gave the community a heads up on some unexpected network behavior. A server failure saw users connected to North American relays being prompted to sign the last transaction performed. Greymass said that the request could safely be dismissed. 

‘Covert’ EOS Hackathon in Southern Italy

What is it about EOS Hackathons? Last week this newsletter reported on the ‘ENF’s pre-sign up and survey’ for EOSIO’s first hackathon without Block.one. All the while in Italy EOS took the spotlight at Blockchain Garden. Hope you’re not tired of hearing something along the lines of the following… ‘where most blockchains cater to miners, EOS’ high performance capabilities gravitates power toward developers’. Who values hackathons more, developers or miners/HODLers? It’d seem the former. Thanks to Bywire News for sharing the ItalyOnEOS (not really, just a pun) event. The hakathon exposed 200+ key people and influencers to what both blockchain and EOS have to offer the world.

EdenOnEOS Governance

Sorry readers… at the time of this week's publication, not found on either EdenOnEOS YT, Odyssey, twitter or telegram chats, was the seventh (2nd term) Chief Delegates meeting. Nor was there a newly posted MyvoteEOS BP interview. Like troopers, the Mandel team held its 17th meeting. And of course, the weekly Fireside Chat went on as scheduled. Not one to readily allow an info network to stagnate, I draw your attention to EOS Vision. The team delivers news daily, albeit in image format. Seemingly inspired by Pomelo, EOS Vision is proving as on topic as any info medium focused on the mainnet. If you’re looking for more, try Helios’ top 5 EOSIO Moments of the Week.

Fractally Consensus

Each week I try to include a bit of new info about fractally and how it can add value to Eden governance. Fractally is about more than achieving quicker consensus than Eden. There’s a whole set of tools to be developed as outlined by the white paper. This week seemed to host one of the more quieter Saturday standup meetings. However, if one considers the potential for a second fractal meeting (with token allocation) this Wednesday, then the week may prove special indeed. Find out more by joining the whitepaper discussion.


EOS Network Foundation @EosNFoundation
The #EOSIO Coalition is strong and is ready to push our best-in-class protocol to the next level! ✅️ RFPs for Wallet SDKs + Faster Finality ✅️ Top 20 Priorities Set ✅️ $2m Collaborative Development Funding per Quarter ⬇️
bloks.io/account/eosiop… Let's #BUIDL Together! 💪

The Telos Foundation @HelloTelos

Tune in to #TelosTechTalk with our TCD Team! 💻 Listen in as we discuss our TOP20 development priorities for Telos Native. Key building blocks for a faster, fairer future! 🚀 📆 When ▶️ May 31 | 17:00 UTC 📍 Where▶️ https://t.co/ztjWhBaH4F #Telos #EVM #Blockchain https://t.co/fLXqBasyLe

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.

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