PME (Platform Model Ecosystem) for Eden Fractal Brainstorming Sessions

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Latest Episode of Eden Fractal Brainstorming Sessions (EFBS) - December 13th, 2022

MindMap EFBS (link)

A new concept  for Eden Fractal Brainstorming Sessions

PME (Platform Model Ecosystem) is coming in 2023 with its own MindMap

  • Started on November 15th, 2022, and last, on December 13th, 2022, Eden Fractal Brainstorming Sessions allowed Eden Fractal Proposal’s proposers to reach a consensus about complex and immediate proposals. Complex proposals require more quorum participation and more time than immediate (quick) proposals.
  • We used (and will continue to use) the EFBS MindWeb MindMap as a Collective Memory Right Brain (CMRB) where we iterate on complex proposals, immediate proposals, and staging proposals that we decide to move to complex or immediate. That’s what you see on the right of the MindMap, the CMRB.
  • On the left, you have a Collective Memory Left Brain (CMLB) where you find information, meta-information, and a link to one other MindMap, Eden Fractal Memory, which is the Collective Memory Storage Brain (CMSB).
  • Ok fine, we have a nice MindMap, the proposers send a proposal to it, the mindmap is updated, the session begins and 
  • We discuss proposals, and then we go back to Eden Fractal meetings and we pass them. 

That’s not enough, we deserve more for Eden Fractal. The birth of the Platform Model Ecosystem

Why PME?

To structure the organization of Eden Fractal to become a circle growing in values for itself. Totally loosely coupled with other circles. Meaning, not meshing with other circles but connecting. Meaning, collaborative circles.

Ok, what will this organization be? We can only find the answer by using a powerful mechanism, the linking process.

The linking process consists of:

  • Alternate in Week A and in Week B
  • In Week A, we dive into proposals
  • In Week B, we extract the sum of the values of the proposals, and we architecture PME

PME is a MindWeb MindMap, PME represents the structure of Eden Fractal. In contrast, EFBS is focused on the proposals.

What is the structure of the MindWeb PME MindMap

  • Each branch represents a value that we have extracted from the proposals
  • The notation will be: ValueNum_ProposalNum_yyyymm
  • The branches will be classified in circles, the circles of Eden Fractal indeed
    • Networking
    • Marketing
    • Art
    • Development, Integration
    • Tools

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