How it Works

The Problem

Journalism and web content are in crisis. Fake news is everywhere and mainstream media is hamstrung by corporate interests. Advertising revenues are collapsing and many media outlets are struggling to stay afloat.

Without an unbiased and independent press, society is moving towards a world of post truth and post democracy in which extremism runs riot.

Although independent news sites are leading the fight in challenging the mainstream, and doing a fantastic job, they are individually too small and disconnected to make a substantive difference. They must reach larger audiences. Bywire aims to change that, connecting individual siloes to create a union of democratic organisation big enough to take on the establishment and redefine the mainstream narrative.

Together we are stronger.

Concordia in unum. (Together in harmony.)

How it Works

Accountable, trustworthy, influential and profitable.

Bywire is the first network in the world to publish its content, not just the timestamp and/or hash of the content, directly to the blockchain. All content is time and author stamped for authenticity and accountability.

This means each article contains a record on the blockchain detailing when it was created, by whom, and any revisions which are made and when.

While the internet is full of content from anonymous sources, here at Bywire, you can see who wrote it and when, and trust that all publishers are accountable. With the power of the blockchain behind us, we are ushering in a new generation of content authorship which is attributable, verified, and trustworthy. We are helping to end fake news forever.

For Readers

Earn while you read

Bywire is a place you can access verified trustworthy content. Its democratic structure gives you a chance to run the network and even earn while you read.

Our accountability model ensures you can trust what you read. Publishers who fall short of our standards can be warned, sanctioned or removed from the network. Bywire scans for fake content in real time with a combination of AI and bounties for readers who spot and flag fake news.

Because all publishers are clearly attributed to their content, they will be held accountable for any inaccuracies. This approach helps to ensure the content you read on Bywire is accurate and trustworthy.

Every time you consume content, you will earn rewards in the form of the Wirebit crypto token which currently and may continue to hold real value. This value may increase as our network grows; however, it may also decrease just like any other crypto token. Wirebit can be used to support your favourite publishers through rewards, take part in the running of the network or may be exchanged for traditional currency.

Note: The information regarding Wirebit is provided only as specific information to describe its purpose and does not constitute financial advice in any way. Should you choose to buy or sell Wirebit you do so solely at your own risk, and we cannot accept any responsibility for any losses should you incur any, but we also will not take any profits should you make any.

All your independent news in one place

According to various reports, some of which we have reported on, people do not trust the mainstream media. They want independent news sources but finding them can be difficult. People complain about the need for multiple logins and differing paywall schemes. The market is muddled, unorganised, but demand is growing. The political news UK audience growth has been of note, and will likely to continue over the coming weeks and months with COVID-19 and life post-Brexit centering the news agenda.

At Bywire, we are kinda like a Netflix for independent news. We pull all the content from some of the leading independent news sites into one place giving you access to multiple sites through one login and one subscription.

Using the blockchain and AI, we provide content which is private and personalised at the same time. We encrypt your data providing you with content based on your preferences, but that data will be kept anonymous at all times.

In the future, we may be able to even choose to sell your data to Bywire if you wish. You will enjoy the bulk of any profits that data produces.

For Publishers

With Bywire, independent publishers can come together to take on the mainstream.

With mainstream media dominated by vested corporate interests, independent news media outlets are more important now than ever. However, it can often feel like an unequal struggle. Budgets are slim, revenue models uncertain and audiences hard to find and keep.

Defending against litigation can be grave for most independent news outlets. Fear of legal action can often stand in the way of hard-hitting investigative journalism.

At Bywire we believe we are stronger together. Working collectively, we can build a union more powerful than the mainstream with growing revenues, audiences, and unparalleled opportunities for collaboration.

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