BTC Ordinals Mission Update

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Take action to ensure your Pomelo Ordinauts land safely.

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🚀 Great news, Pomelo NFT collectors! 🌟

The much-awaited Pomelo Ordinauts are on their way!

However, we have an important update and action you need to take by January 31, 2024.

Confirm your wallet access and Ordinal inscription address

🔧 The Hiro wallet we recommended in our previous Ordinals Mission article has been rebranded and is now called Leather. As a result, the Chrome extension has also been updated. To ensure a smooth journey for your Ordinauts, we need your help!

🛠️ Complete the following steps:

Confirm wallet access: Please verify that you still have access to your wallet. This is crucial for receiving your Ordinauts.Confirm Ordinal inscription address: Re-confirm the ordinal inscription address you submitted when sending your Astronaut on the mission.

By taking these steps, you’ll help us ensure that your Ordinauts reach you without any interstellar hiccups.

📝 If you still have access to the BTC Ordinal wallet you submitted, you don’t have to do anything.

If you no longer have access to your BTC Ordinal wallet or you want to update your Ordinal inscription address (Bech32 Bitcoin address), here’s how you can update it in our system to make sure you have access to your Pomelo Ordinaut on the BTC blockchain.

Option 1:

Send any amount of EOS to the EOS account, ord.pomelo, and add the updated Bech32 Bitcoin address / Ordinal inscription address in the memo.

Here’s an example

The EOS that you’ve sent with the transaction will be sent back with a confirmation in the memo.

Note: You’ll only need to send one transaction. This will update your Ordinal inscription address for all Pomelo Astronaut NFTs you’ve submitted to the Ordinal mission.

Option 2:

If you don’t want to send a token transfer, you can use the action, newaddress.

Here’s an example

However, sending EOS and a memo is much easier.

You have one week to confirm access to your wallet and the inscription address. Please do so by January 31, 2024.

Thank you for participating 🙏

🌌 Your participation in the Ordinal mission has been critical to this adventure.

Let’s make sure your Ordinauts land safely and in your custody!

Thank you for being an integral part of the Pomelo community. Here’s to more cosmic journeys ahead!

🌠 The Pomelo Team đŸŒ 

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