ENF fireside chat: TrimBot speaks

Pomelo pitches, the Eden election, the ENF Q1 report and the new grant frameworks were all up for discussion in the latest Fireside Chat.

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Credit: Bywire News, Canva
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LONDON (Bywire News) - There was plenty to digest in the latest EOS Fireside Chat. The second Eden election had just successfully concluded with a brand-new set of chief delegates, while the Q1 report for the ENF painted a picture of activity that was progressively ramping up within the EOS ecosystem. Meanwhile, the second season of Pomelo continues with another couple of pitches, from EOS Support and an anonymous Twitter profile which has recently emerged as the online champion of EOS. 

TrimBot Pomelo pitch

In a couple of months, TrimBot has appeared on Twitter, hyping EOS to the max. He’s gained an impressive following and has made great strides in combating some of the negative sentiment about EOS on social media. He was online to promote his Pomelo pitch which will focus on how to promote EOS. 

The key from his point of view is not to promote it without a point. By focusing on specific things such as the EVM, EOS can develop a more targeted message to incentivise developers onto EOS.  

Among his plans are giveaways based on things such as meme contests which could be structured in a way that is coordinated with EVM and other big EOS related events.

The success he has achieved so far prompted some calls to open up a TrimBot YouTube channel. That’s something he’s reluctant to do as it would mean giving up his anonymity. As things stand, he has no identity other than the value of the content he is producing. Replicating that on YouTube is not something he appears to be keen to do. 

EOS Support

The second pitch featured Charles Bishop head of communications at EOS Support. This non-profit company has set itself up as the concierge service for EOS providing education and support with issues such as onboarding, account creation and other issues. They have only been going for six months but have already had a major impact. Since they first registered on Pomelo, they have hired 14 support agents, 17 squad members and increased multilingual support in a host of languages including English, Chinese, German, Russian, and Italian. They currently boast 97.9% customer satisfaction. 

Aside from their ‘how-to’ guides which you can find on their website, they have also built up information on thousands of dApps and decentralised changes. They’ve also tracked scams and collected information on scams occurring on EOS which is viewable on their website.  

ENF News

Meanwhile, they took time to review some of the latest developments including: 

Eden election: The second election has taken place with a new generation of chief delegates taking their place. They heard from one of them, Chuck MacDonald, who talked about some of their plans and their ambitions. For him, a key part of this is for Eden to become its own entity and take control of its own destiny and see how it can realise its mission of increasing value for EOS. 

Eden in its original vision is encouraging the principle of entrepreneurism, of having people step out as individuals and make a difference in the ecosystem.

One clear winner from these elections has been the election process itself. The idea of creating a dApp in which the election process could be applied more often has widespread appeal and may well be near the top of their agenda. The power Eden is is not the raw currency it has to distribute, but its potential to bring talented people together.  

One of the questions is Eden’s dependence on Fractally to do all its coding. He questions if there is a willingness from the Fractally team to hand everything over and let Eden handle their own websites. 

The question was answered, to an extent, by one of the first chief delegates Branden Lovejoy who confirmed that there is an intention from Fractally to pass this on in time. That raises the question of how this could be managed and if Eden could benefit from its own development team which would remain in place independently of the chief delegates. If Eden is to stand on its own two feet, it will need the technical infrastructure.  

ENF Q1 Report: There was also a discussion about the recently released Q1 report. Although few had read it closely at that time, the list of achievements and projects is impressive, from the blue papers which had been published to the vast amounts of money which had been committed in grants and new projects such as the Marketing + and EOSIO+ working groups, the consensus was that a picture is developing which is becoming increasingly bullish for EOS. 

For TrimBot and others, the real game-changer will be the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The community appears to be underestimating how important this will be. It brings business development which had been missing on EOS which he believes will create a lot of momentum.

Grant Frameworks 

Another exciting development is the grant frameworks venture which differs from other ventures in that it will support for-profit ventures as well as public goods. The ENF will effectively be dedicating seed funding for these ventures without asking for any equity in return. For those projects which did not qualify for Pomelo or other grants, this could be a major moment. 

(Writing by Tom Cropper, editing by Klaudia Fior)  

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