EOS Chief Delegates #18

Find out the latest details from the most recent EOS Chief Delegates Meeting as all eyes turn to the upcoming Fractally White Paper.

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LONDON (Bywire News) - As they wait for a big week next week with the Fractally White paper, it was a relatively light week for the Eden Chief Delegates. Nevertheless, they still managed to pack in a great deal with updates on social media promotions, onboarding, a new DAO proxy and much more. 

First, though it was their weekly updates. As a reminder, the current list of delegates are: 

  • Aaron Cox: Co-Founder Greymass.
  • Chris Barnes: 1st Eden Mock Election winner.
  • Jesse Jaffe: EOS Bees Queen.
  • John Williamson: Founder Violet Garden.
  • Brandon Lovejoy: Multimedia Creator.
  • Randall Roland: Founder of EOS Support

First up was personal updates. 

Chris Barnes 

He is finishing up a new DAO proxy app which is about to be announced. It’s using the Eden process as part of its membership. There will also be a Lite paper coming out with that.

Aaron Cox 

He is finally nearing the finish line with the white papers. There are some exciting developments involving Wallet onboarding which are coming out of this process. It’s been nice to put a heavy spotlight on this problem. If you’re talking to someone about EOS and they want to get started there’s now a clear path forward that doesn’t involve a flaming hoop you have to jump through. 

Jesse Jaffe 

EOS Bees have been scaling up their influencer onboarding programs. They are developing relationships with the Ugandan, Turkish and Spanish hives and using their bees to ‘swarm’ positive posts about EOS. 

This process means giving accounts rewards for liking or retweeting these tweets to boost their profile. There have been a greater number of these posts from crypto influencers and he singles out three in particular which his Bees have been ‘swarming’. These are generally trading influencers who will direct people towards good trading options. Several have been discovering EOS giving them a chance to raise their profile and generate some good buzz around EOS. 

The Bees have also done a good job neutralising some of the negative comments and promoting EOS. 

Aside from this, they have two pieces of content. Korean hive came up with content around Fractally. They are getting ready for the white paper. 

In terms of the most popular languages on EOS he breaks these down into three tiers: 

  • First tier: The most popular are English, Chinese and Korean. 
  • Second-tier: Spanish, Vietnamese and Turkish. 
  • Third tier: Russian, German and French.

These give us a useful steer about where the activity on EOS is predominantly coming from and how it is spreading. 

Randall Roland

EOS support has been building a notification to reach out to exchanges and customers who are using EOSIO. They are positioning themselves so that in a couple of months they will upgrade to Mandel.

In addition to this, they have created a Twitter account: EOSnetworkdao. This is painting EOS as being mostly focused on creating DAOs. The ENF has shown support for that. With that, they will position people to come through support. They want to position people so that if they have questions, they know where to go instead of ending up on Telegram. 

One of the ongoing problems they are facing is the amount of time it takes to onboard customers. One person they were helping took a staggering two hours. "That’s how crazy it can be," he says. 

Meanwhile, his team is building a platform aggressively. They are working on the front end on how they can position EOS support so that people can create content. EOS Support will have a filter that they will use to reward people for creating content. 

Brandon Lovejoy 

There are relatively few updates from Lovejoy who has been taken up by work for the ENF.  He has been absorbed in the working groups and all the things going on in the community. This is extensive. 

The new DAO 

In wider discussions, Chris Barnes took the time to offer more details about the upcoming DAO project he is working on. It will be a DAO formed in the community. It will be formed of a 64 person max community. This, he suggests, is a ‘sweet’ number where they can have rooms of four working. They use fractal democracy voting processes annually, starting with a committee that will be tasked with ensuring the reward block producers receive will go towards something which is beneficial for the EOS community. 

They will have conversations with BPs who will disclose financial details and show they are using their reward to go for developments. There’s a lot of ambiguity, especially around how you verify their statements. However, he believes this is worthwhile to encourage better use of block producer funds to grow the ecosystem. 

This, he says, will generate a great deal of discussion in the community, some of it positive, some of it not, but it will be significant. 

Bringing in new talent 

The conversation also strayed towards the task of finding new talent. Lovejoy wanted to know where they could be reaching out to bring in new blood from outside of the EOS bubble and what can we reasonably expect to bring in in terms of our onboarding now. 

Randall suggested each person who comes on board wants the experience of providing value to the community through their work and also through jobs. Some people are finding real careers by becoming part of the EOS community.

However, doing that may be difficult. They will need to develop incentives. As things stand the wider market does not share the community’s optimism about the ‘rebirth’ of EOS. If someone is looking to get involved with the blockchain and look for a stable career option Ethereum represents a much better proposition. They have to find a way of attracting these people, paying them and changing the story about EOS. All of this will take some time.  

For Jesse Jaffe, it’s all about the influencers and the story which is being told about EOS. In the beginning, he says, they will have to pay influencers but over time they will become influencers themselves. 

“We are in a crypto media war and we did not train any troops,” he says. “We didn’t have anyone and we’re getting crushed. Now I’m putting together an army. Like Game of Thrones – we’re training the Rangers…. Over time this is going to be in tandem. As there are more interesting dApps, we are going to have a better and more attractive offering. 

When people talk about jobs, he directs them to microtasks – things which people can earn money from by doing relatively simple and straightforward tasks which do not take much time. For example, you could earn money by reading a page of a book, making a retweet or doing something else that you would be doing anyway throughout your day. 

Finally, for Aaron Cox, it’s all about the onboarding experience which he confirms can be rough. We’re giving these troops tents with holes in them,” he says to carry on the military analogy. “That’s where people are being recruited right now because there’s not enough attention going into tent manufacturing. We need to up our game and ensure that when people get here they are well taken care of.”

We need more people in the ecosystem. We need to take the people we have who are building things and developing the network to pause what they are doing to train new people. This will take time.  

(Writing by Tom Cropper, editing by Klaudia Fior)

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