Mandel Update Number 9

Work continues on Mandel as the move to version 3.0 draws ever nearer.

Credit: Bywire News, Canva
Credit: Bywire News, Canva
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LONDON (Bywire News) - It was a short and sweet update to the Mandel development this week as the team moves closer to its goals. 

Mandel represents a major fork for EOSIO and will be the first time EOS is operating on software developed by the community and not by B1. It will be the first since EOS 2.0 that the community has had anything like a major update. It will therefore serve two goals. On the one hand, it will make EOS better and more competitive, but on the other, it will provide another signal to the cryptosphere that EOS is striking out in a very different direction. In this sense it is more than just a software upgrade – it’s a declaration of independence. 

Since its announcement, the team has been working to bring the software to fruition. Each week they have shared their regular meetings on YouTube bringing a welcome sense of transparency to proceedings. 

This week included just a few updates:

  • RC1 is now tagged with release notes. Since then we’ve upgraded all API nodes and they have the validator running on Mandel.
  • New ENF Devs are joining on the 11th and one more on the 18th. 
  • Transaction lifecycle updates are moving on, making great progress. They hope to be testing it on Jungle in early June. 
  • Documentation online – aiming for early August to be upgraded and September to test consensus upgrades. Plenty of BPs running the jungle. 
  • Due to a family emergency, documentation for docker containers is likely to be delayed until the 18th. 

You can see the full meeting on Youtube. 

(Writing by Tom Cropper, editing by Klaudia Fior)

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