EOS Bees 🐝

EOS Bees 🐝


EOS Bees 🐝


#EOS has been waiting for marketing. It's time for Plan Bee 🐝

The Antelope ecosystem is fertile ground for collaborations that shape the course of innovation. Such is the nature of the alliance being forged between EOS Bees and NovaCrypto/EOSDEN, our supporter and early sponsor. We are thrilled to announce a significant collaboration that takes our mutual eng...
蜂群计划最近有了更新! 自蜂群计划启动以来,我们一直依靠客观指标对活跃蜜蜂进行排名和奖励。为了提高评论的质量,我们必须远离客观的安全空间。今天是标志性的一天!我们将起航进入主观性混乱的海洋。 创造一个培养高质量评论的环境是困难的。实现这一目标意味着社区成员拥有渊博的知识和持续贡献的力量。这是市场营销的巅峰状态。所以我们认为为此付出努力是值得的。 现在我们已经有了极好的技术流程来奖励简单客观的任务,比图转推(ReTweet)。尽管从内部执行层面来说并不简单,但已经基本上完成并且运转稳定。我们已经准备好进入下一章。这将需要不同的流程。以下是它的工作原理: 对于评论有3种评判标准:不通过良好的评论...
The Bees have implemented a new commenting system to incentivize higher quality comments
Swarms are getting better comments
EOS Bees is offering subsidized Swarms to the EOS community. Simply fill out The Bees Bot with your Twitter link to harness the promotional power of the Swarm.
Subsidized Swarms V1 is Live!
Transcript Patrick: Hello everyone we are here at EOSIO Swiss workshop number 14 with Jesse Jaffe of EOS Bees to do a follow-up interview.    Jesse: Hello Patrick, I'm happy to be here. Thanks for having me.   Patrick: if you missed the last episode go check out the March 23rd interview. We have...
EOS Bees x Novacrypto Interview Transcript

#EOS Bees 🐝


In this article you will find information about EOS Bees' "Swarms". It's a new way to promote content on Twitter! We are so excited to share this with the EOS community. Our goal, as always, is to popularize a positive narrative for EOS.   Over the past 6 months, the Bees and Tipit have built ope...
#EOSBEESWARMS 2.0 is a way to instantly reward $EOS for engaging on tweets
A group of EOS community members are gathering to brainstorm a gradual proposal to build ƒractally on EOS. Proposal ideas will be voted by meeting participants across mutiple timezones. Ideas that pass a 2/3 + 1 vote will be added to a MindWeb MindMap, which will represent the official stance of ou...
A group of EOS community members brainstorming a gradual proposal to build ƒractally on EOS
EOS /Rants Twitter Competition EOS Rants is a MindMap that organizes short video content that makes it easy to learn about the EOS community. EOS Rants MindMap is in collaboration between EOS Bees 🐝 and MindWeb.io by NovaCrypto.   EOS Bees is sponsoring a competition on Twitter! Each week, there...
Win $EOS for creating /Rants
A referral and onboarding system proposal for the Blue Paper Community Feedback Initiative
Welcome to #EOS
A step by step guide on how to transfer $EOS to and from Binance
Binance --> EOS Wallet --> Binance

#EOS Bees 🐝


Buying EOS PowerUP NFTs is the best way to support the critical service eospowerup.io provides.
Documenting the top DeFi tools on EOS
Top 13 DeFi Tools on EOS
NodeOne Concludes an official sponsorship agreement with EOS Bees™ on November 14th. Since Nodeone’s establishment, NodeOne has been continuously communicating with the community and working to align the interests of investors, Dapps, and the entire EOS ecosystem, thereby providing long-term win-wi...
Node One Sponsors EOS Bees™
노드원은 11월 15일, EOS Bees와의 공식 스폰서십을 체결했습니다. 노드원은 설립 이래 커뮤니티와 지속적으로 소통하며 투자자와 댑, 생태계 전체의 이해관계를 일치시켜 생태계 구성원 모두가 장기적으로 윈윈(win-win) 할 수 있는 거버넌스 구축에 애써 왔습니다. 노드원은 그런 노력의 일환으로 글로벌 커뮤니티 마케팅조직인 EOS Bees의 가능성을 높이 평가하고, EOS 생태계 전체의 공익 창출을 돕기 위해 이번 스폰서십을 결정했습니다. EOS Bees는 이 기금지원을 통해 다양한 EOS 관련 컨텐츠뿐만 아니라 정확한 정보...
Node One Sponsors EOS Bees™
A wide-reaching, easy to read guide for new EOS community members.
What a weekend participating in EDEN's first official election! 😅 The Clarion team delivered an amazing product! 🙏 I feel honored to be amongst an incredible group of Chief Delegates. Congrats to Aaron Cox! The sortition Gods picked a great person....
EDEN Chief Delegates
"I think what Dan, Yves, and the whole Eden community is trying to do now is something that no other blockchain is trying at the moment…" In this episode Chitty from EOS Argentina talks about:His background - https://youtu.be/QqVH6jjzWpA?t=92The history of EOS Argentina and their BP infrastructure...
34 Grant Recipients - $100k per grant...